Tuesday 14 May 2013

Unit 9 Evaluation

Unit 9 Evaluation

1/2. In this unit I was given 3 tasks one in nature and decay, one in a school brochure and finally one in a photo essay. the task for nature and decay was to go around wem and take pictures of things involving nature and decay the purpose of this was to show people the beauty of nature and the possibility for decay. the task for the school brochure was to go around my school and take pictures and design our own brochure the purpose was to inform people about our school as well as using persuasive images to persuade them to have their son/ daughter attend at Thomas Adams School. Finally, the task for the Photo Essay was to choose a topic and to take relevant pictures. the topic that i chose was my table that i am making in technology.

3. The parts that i enjoyed was actually taking the images this is  mainly because i prefer to do hands on photography rather than the computer side of it. although i did enjoy the photoshop side very much this is mainly because i can focus more and i also feel that my photoshop skills are very good so it was therefore more enjoyable. Overall i feel that i mostly enjoyed actually taking the images.

4. the part i least enjoyed was the annotations on the blog this is mainly because it was the most writing i would have to do in this unit and i prefer the either to be editing my images, taking my images or brainstorming my ideas.

5. The image below is the image that is the image that i think is my best image. I think this is my best image mainly because it is a nice vibrant image that helps capture the friendliness of the school. compared to the professional example i feel that my image looks good compared to them apart from the fact that compared to the professional ones mine is obviously edited .

6. the image below is my least favorite image this is mainly because i this it doesn't work well as the editing for the image is poor also i feel that it is the only badly edited image in my entire brochure so therefore that kind of single out my image as it is juxtaposed with my other images. Compared to the professional images my image looks even worse as it is obvious that it has been edited also the professional brochure has even better editing features.

7. During the corse i needed to improve my skill as a photographer i did this in many different ways such as looking at a range of professional images and looking into how they got there image so good but the main thing that improved my skill was me practicing using the camera by taking many image to improve my skill.

8. During the corse i also had to impove my skill at editing i did this by watching many tutorial videos i also improved many of my skills naturally by just simply experimenting with photoshop but i feel that me watching tutorials helped me the most.

9. I choose loads of different ways to present my work for example to present my photo essay i used youtube and then linked it to all my other work on blogger. As i have just mentioned most of my work was stored on blogger this is mainly because on blogger it can be stored efficiently, also as blogger is a versatile site you can link your work from pretty much any other site onto it. Finally we presented all our nature and decay images on flickr this is mainly due to the fact that it is such a brilliant way of presenting images in a powerpoint format.

10. To gain feedback i used a free feedback software called freedback the feedback i got from this was very good it was concerning my photo essay and my nature and decay both feedbacks were very promising and gave me good feedback as it told me ways to improve my future images

Saturday 11 May 2013

Feedback Form

Email Address:
which was the photo selection you viewed? School Brochure
Nature And Decay
Photo essay
Do you think that my images capture the theme? why?
could the images be improved?
if so how could they be improved need better editing
should of had taken better images
If you had to give criticism then what would it be?

Thank you for completing the questionaire 

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